If 24hrs notice can be provided we can accommodate most requests.
Yes with prior arrangement.
Yes we visually inspect every component accessible and visible to us at time of servicing.
Yes prepaying over the phone is welcome, bank transfers also welcome.
Yes all repairs and components used carry a 12 month warranty unless otherwise notified.
Yes drop off and pick up can be arranged, just notify us when making a booking.
No as we are a licensed repairer and use parts that meet or exceed factory specifications.
Only with prior arrangement and the vehicle must be left with us until account is settled.
Servicing is not considered a Department of Transport Examination, different rules and regulations apply that are legislated by the Western Australian Government whom Authorises us to act on their behalf.
An accurate quote in most instances depending on the nature of the repairs can either be given over the phone or after an initial inspection upon delivery of the vehicle.